1. Between a rock and a hard place
I had an excellent teacher teach me HTML. I was a bad student is all. I find it a fickle creature to tame. I had the choice of using static site generators, but I just wasn’t happy using them. I was not going to use JS Frameworks because I wanted nothing to do with npm. The Wikipedia article on NPM has a section titled Notable Breakages. After many hours of thought, I felt that some good old HTML and a little bit of CSS was more than enough.
2. The dark
The dark theme was a personal touch. Although I cannot help myself from being glued to a screen most of the day, I find it more comfortable if the screens are darker.
3. Green?
Why are the links green? I like green.
4. Marquee much?
I felt all the pages should have a common banner at the end. And I felt the marquee tag has felt enough damage. The plea for open source developers came from me watching many interesting talks from Benno Rice. Especially his talk on The New COBOL.
5. What font is this?
Cool, Isn’t it? All credits to Professor Vinod Ganapathy at IISc[https://csa.iisc.ac.in/~vg]. I got the font from his page.